Well as we start 2021 I have great things to report. I won Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas Jumper competition 2020 and to make the end of the year perfect, Sarah had a little girl, Lyra Ann Hogg arrived on 23rd December 2020 weighing 8lb 6ozs. I have been teaching online and have updated the available ‘Classes‘. I’ll be delivering them on Sunday afternoon or evenings depending on when people are available to attend. I’ve split them into three difficulty levels, beginner, intermediate and advanced, but these are only a rough guide. If you are interested email me for more information or look for Beardychiel on FB, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr.
A Busy Break
Hi all, I’ve been having a very busy time and have been away from the keyboard and the camera. Knitting has been really busy with a tight deadline on a special sweater. My entry for the Christmas jumper competition on Ch4’s Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas.

My episode airs on Monday 7th December at 5pm if you want to watch. Also the knitting for my impending grandchild number 4, as second child for Sarah, has involved heirloom shawl knitting pattern tweaking and matinee jacket and hat designs as well as baby socks. Variations on my own vanilla baby sock pattern have been getting produced.

I’ve also launched Santa’s Christmas Calls and help Santa arrange live calls and short recorded videos for little ones to enjoy the Santa magic. So I’m not ignoring my crafting crew, life has just got in the way. See you all soon.
End of June – Tempus fugit
Good heavens but time flies when you are having fun. Since my last check in there have been a few things all of which are recorded for Episode 36 of the podcast. I have a couple of links to record today and then editing time. I’ve finished the pattern write up for the helios wing shawl and it is with test knitters so two weeks until publication I think. it is looking good.

there is also a finished baby cardigan for my nephew Andrew’s daughter Emily. I need to find buttons for it today.
As far as the websire goes, this week saw the Beardychiel merchandise go live and 4 natural colours of Caithness Croft Yarn go live see them in Beardychiel’s Shop.
See you all soon with the next update.
A Busy Time
Hello all,
it has been a while and as many of you know a trying and busy time here at Beardychiel HQ. The Rhodes Retreat preparations, the Caithness Croft Yarn preparations and finally the sad loss of our daughter – in – law Louise. Consequently many things have been shuffled as priorities changed day by day. The knitting community have, as always, been amazingly supportive through the trying times. There are several good close friends who all know that they have been on the end of a phone or private message to take pressure off as and when required.
We are getting into a new routine and regular podcast viewers will have met Leo my youngest grandson and co -presenter. Eoin is at school most days when I record.
The yarn has arrived. The retreat starts in three days for me. My packing is still ongoing and I’ll just say watch this space, more news soon.
EYF and Podcast Episode 26
Hi there,
Well I have returned from the Edinburgh Yarn Festival 2018 and both Janet and I had a super time there. We met and chatted to a lot of old and new friends and of course did some yarn shopping. Most of the information has been included in the Podcast Episode No. 26 EYF EYF EYF! So to save you a hunt here is the link:- Podcast
Welcome to 2018
Well the year has started very quickly with a lot of knitting and pattern development work. I have to admit that I have several large projects for 2018 that I am both excited about and eager to see come to their successful conclusion. Firstly I’m looking forward to meeting friends at Edinburgh Yarn Festival in March. Beardychiel’s Caithness Crofts Yarn test batch will be in the mill in April and I am keen to see it back in my hands ready for knitters and dyers to test in early summer. In May I hope to be teaching in the Aberdeen area and further details will follow soon. I am then into the Beardychiel Rhodes Retreat and the fun that it should be. In the background I will be chatting to and working with my friend Eva Christie on bits of Perth Festival of Yarn for September 2018.
All in all a busy time. That does not mean that my designing will stop The Pentland Firth Shawl will launch towards the end of February and a new project/collection called ‘Keeping It In the Loop’will follow after that. Plans for some cotton lace work is also on the cards and you’ll all need to watch this space for that development.
Until then keep watching the podcasts and reading the blog as I remember to type it up.
One week later
Well a week has passed since the Rhodes retreat 2018 opened for bookings and it has been good first week with bookings really healty. About 50% of the retreat capacity has already gone with some people checking dates at work and looking at flight costs before deciding. I’ve been blown away by the positive response. A Retreat chatter thread has opened in Beardychiel’s Ravelry group and it is hard to tell if the tutors or the students are more excited. Both Skeindeer and Sockmatician podcasts have mentioned the event and I hope we will keep this momentum up.
In the background I have been knitting away and working on multiple knitting projects and details of these will follow in the future.
Socks update
I’ve added 3 of my sock patterns to the Knitwear section of the site. Just to make sure it all works the way I want. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Quiet Sunday
I’ve had a good weekend. Time with family, local fun day, a nice time at a quiz night where we won a bottle of Whisky in a raffle and some knitting. I hane noted a couple of Perth Festival emails pop in so thats great. Monday’s to do list is sorted.
Now it’s time to work on the square shawl…… see you later.
Editing Day
Hi folks, I recorded an episode of Beardychiel’s Knitting Banter on Wednesday and got to the editing stage today. That bit is done and we wait now while You Tube lets it upload and we hope it works first time.
Not a lot of knitting done yesterday, but some web bits and prep for editing and housework. Today after the editing Janet emailed for a Pancake/Drop Scone Recipe. Well it took a whole 10 minutes to type and would you know it put me in the mood for them so I made a batch.
I’m thinking a Beardychiel Cooks page might be a good addition.
Answers on a post card to……